Non verbal communication training with Monique Miserez   Non verbal communication training
Equine Facilitated Experiential Learning - Monique Miserez, Epona approved Instructor


Equine Facilitated Experiential Learning (EFEL) - Monique Miserez > I am an individual


Personal development
Emotional intelligence development
How to get rid of dependencies
For riders
Customised stay in our farm


A - Personal development

The Tao of Equus

The horses allow us to get in touch with our emotions and to identify their messages. This work focuses on our feelings, at first physical, emotional and behavioral problems later.


- Increase confidence and self esteem
- Develop our personal power
- Understand and stay in the present
- Become aware of our projections and our transfers
- Install and maintain appropriate boundaries
- Change dysfunctional patterns
- increase the meaning of the true part of ourself

Organisation :

- 1 or 2 day(s) clinics
- For which public ? For all those who want to deepen their knowledge of themselves with an active and original approach
- Age? no age required
- Ability to organize on demand clinic, with minimum of 5 persons.
- Price: 300 euros (or the equivalent in Swiss francs; the rate euro/swiss france being taken on the day you order) for a two days clinic (accommodation not included). The payment of a deposit before the course date will be required: 100 euros. For payment in Swiss francs, it can be sent by bank transfer to the Swiss postal account, CCP 17-155813-4 of Monique Miserez. For payment in euros it can be sent by check to Monique Miserez.


Which are the differences between this approach with horses and another personal development method ?

In this approach we learn by experimenting. EFEL means "Equine Facilitated Experiential Learning", i.e. learning facilitated by the horses. Many therapists have seen the release of situations which they could not get out to their customers. The horses have so much empathy, respect, non-judgmental, that the process is facilitated. They welcome us in our entirety as soon as they graze and leave us feeling soothed. That is why they are excellent companions in the process of "healing" and change.




Here are two participants filmed during the course for individuals on 25-26/04/2009 dedicated to "How to find our feminine power”. The objective of this game is to find a common goal to achieve with the support of the horse. First of all, it is necessary to create a relationship with the horse, with respect and by taking your time. Then we have to agree on the process. If necessary it might mean going through intermediate steps. At the end we have to acknowledge when the goal is reached or even exceeded, then celebrate it, thank the horse and say goodbye to him.

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B - Emotional intelligence development

Tao of equus

Because in general in our childhood we do not learn how to put words to what we feel, in order to be able to express ourselves without violence, because we are cut off from the true part of ourself, our Heart.
The horse is a companion enabling us to discover our inner world in order to become aware of our internal world.

For children and adolescents
For children from 6 to 12 years old, riders or not.
For those who are restless and do not know how to calm down.
For those who are afraid to show their emotions and say what they think.
For those who cannot focus on a task.
For those who have relationship difficulties.

Learning methods:
Either in the form of group clinic of one to two days
Either as individual sessions from two to three hours per week or on consecutive days
The method is with horses you do not ride. Non riders can participate.
We encourage non-verbal using drawing, sculpture, body expression, imagination. We focus on the feelings, their meaning and the ability to do different.

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C - How to get rid of dependencies

The Tao of Equus

In addictions (tobacco, alcohol, drugs, emotional, sex, gambling etc. ..) the common denominator is the true feelings of anesthesia provided by the "product" or the addictive activity, also the difficulty to express the emotions on a right way and low self-esteem.
To break this vicious circle: low self-esteem – drugs - anesthesia - low self-esteem, etc.
As a complement of a therapy and detoxification, we propose to use the approach with horses then to work on feelings, in order to find a sense of authenticity and internal peace.
With them we cannot lie to ourselves, we find pleasure in small "normal" things without seeking strong sensations at all cost.
By acknowledging our emotions, we learn that they are not bad neither good, but they are information on the state at the minute. And there is no reason to be ashamed. We learn to estimate their fair value and, in fact, find esteem in ourselves.

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D - For riders

Tao of equus

Interacting with the horse without riding him, by being focused on our feelings and his own ones, enables us to much better understand him and be in harmony with him, in order to achieve a goal.
Riding becomes conscious.
It’s not about how to manage your horse but to learn to listen to him...

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E - Customised stay in our farm

Tao of equus : From Linda Kohanov in Arizona, US to Monique Miserez near Bordeaux, France

Reconnect to nature with essential things in a conducive environment to the development of feelings, this is what we offer for one to several days. We offer variety between clinics with horses and time to discover the “Lot et Garonne” region and its tradition and culture: the ride of Henri IV, the Gascons, the Duras castle, the fairs, the foie gras, Casteljaloux baths, walks along the Garonne, bike ride or on canoe, just to relax ...
Regarding lodging at the farm, you can also bring your own tent or sleep in a field with your sleeping bag next to the house or stay in a yurt (from 2013).
We will be very happy to share this magical place and experience with you...

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Equine assisted therapy with Monique Miserez   Equine Facilitated Experiential Learning (EFEL) - Monique Miserez