Tao of equus   The Tao of Equus
Equine Facilitated Experiential Learning - Monique Miserez, Epona approved Instructor


Equine Facilitated Experiential Learning (EFEL) - Monique Miserez > Companies | Coachs, therapist, HR trainer, etc.

Companies : Leadership - Emotional health at work | Train the trainer : for coach, therapist, work psychologist, HR trainer, HR consultant, etc.


Tomorrow’s leadership

The Tao of Equus

Epona-Quest® POH

Approach developed by Linda Kohanov in her book "The Power of the Herd" (soon in bookstores in english) on the "non-predatory" power of horses to create a new management perspective.

Our goal is to make you aware of any other form of power and give you the necessary tools for a sustainable and effective change of management.

Today's leaders need to develop new skills not only based on their IQ but also and especially on their emotional intelligence (measured by the EQ) such that:

• to consider emotions as information
• to increase your assertive attitude, to motivate others to follow you.
• to establish a consensus leadership with your team
• to save your energy for emergencies.
• to surf the waves of a difficult situation, easily and by being fully present
• to understand the reactions of your body then to react to what happens in an appropriate and effective manner.
• to develop your power by being yourself
• to create your personal leadership style based on the "non-predatory" qualities of horses

"The higher the position, the greater the emotional skills become essential"

Training for executive, managers, etc.:
• 1/2 day
o POH (Power of the Herd) introduction concepts
• 1 day
o to increase your assertiveness
o To manage the non-verbal communication
o To increase your emotional intelligence
o To find your power motivation
o To increase your stress resistance
• 2 days
o To develop your emotional intelligence
o The tomorrow’s leadership

We can find a riding centre near your office to run the training or you can come to our place in Poussignac, in Lot et Garonne (47), 80km south east of Bordeaux.
The prices do not include accommodation, meals, horse and round pen rental (if the training does not take place at our place).

o "Power of the Herd (POH) introduction" : ½ day, 300 euros before tax /pers.
o "Increase your motivation" : 1 day, 600 euros before tax/pers.
o "Non-verbal communication management" : 1 day, 600 euros before tax/pers.
o "Develop your emotional intelligence": 1 day, 600 euros before tax/pers.
o "Develop your emotional intelligence and your capacity to recognise the emotions you live": 2 days, 1200 euros before tax/pers.
o "Tomorrow’s leadership": 2 days, 1200 euros before tax/pers.

o Team Building:
o " Power of the Herd (POH) introduction for group" : ½ day 800 euros before tax.
o "Non-verbal communication and group synergy": 1 day 1500 euros before tax.
2 days: 3000 euros before tax.
Minimum 5 people. Maximum 8 people

You can also suggest a topic to work on for half a day, a day or two.

Trading as “auto-entrepreneur”, VAT does not apply. Siret (company id) is : 49307280500028. Financing possibility for people employed by a company registered in France, with their “Droit Individuel à la Formation” (DIF). Our training provider id, in the region where we were formerly based (Rhône-Alpes), is 82 74 02078 747.


A better management of emotional health at work

The Tao of Equus

How to find a constructive and creative way of being and acting in difficult situations to prevent the emotional health at work deterioration ?

On request, we offer emotions management training, through the interaction with a horse.
You will gain a greater understanding of yourself, your abilities to manage uncomfortable emotions without panic, without denying, then you will find the appropriate behavior to the situation. You will also learn to put your limits (without achieving a situation where you're on your own, cut to others), to stay present and grounded even if everything around you is in turmoil.
If we suffer more at work it is often a failure to recognize emotions and nonverbal messages that sends our body. Do not forget that 90% of communication is non-verbal, nobody taught us at school, especially in family work, it is not fashionable to talk about his feelings! What annoys us stays silent, but our body speaks to us, we feel overwhelmed, excessively tired. Sad for no apparent reason, irritable for no reason, nervous, anxious, we suffer from insomnia, we are overtired, the work no longer satisfies us, we go on sick leave. This sufferness can become the trigger of addictions, depression and even suicide! Absenteeism is a huge cost for companies.
Managers may also feel this discomfort: juggling the demands due to delays, quality, competitiveness becomes increasingly dangerous for their health and that of their teams.

Budget :
Half a day: 300 euros HT/pers
1 day: 600 europs HT/pers
2 days: 1200 euros HT/pers

"Transformation requires a commitment of ourself to transform uncertainty into creative energy" Pierre Rabhi.

Trading as “auto-entrepreneur”, VAT does not apply. Siret (company id) is : 49307280500028. Financing possibility for people employed by a company registered in France, with their “Droit Individuel à la Formation” (DIF). Our training provider id, in the region where we were formerly based (Rhône-Alpes), is 82 74 02078 747.

Equine assisted therapy with Monique Miserez   Equine Facilitated Experiential Learning (EFEL) - Monique Miserez