Non verbal communication training with Monique Miserez   Non verbal communication training
Equine Facilitated Experiential Learning - Monique Miserez, Epona approved Instructor


Equine Facilitated Experiential Learning (EFEL) - Monique Miserez > Train the trainer


Companies : Leadership - Emotional health at work | Train the trainer : for coach, therapist, work psychologist, HR trainer, HR consultant, etc.


Train the trainer

Train the trainer

Programm for Consciousness’ Development facilitated by horses
For 2013 we set up a program for people interested in integrating tools or methods in their practice, or to develop their awareness in a job that combines body-psychology method, development of creativity and an approach facilitated by the horses.
This approach stems from the philosophy of 'Epona®' and the experience of this methodology for 5 years from individuals, as well as a contribution of education methods assisted by horses intended for professionals.

The methodology of this approach emphasizes the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual person. We are in 'constant interaction' between these different facets of ourselves. We can also make the connection between these parts of ourselves and the various elements that make up all living things, human, animal and plant:
The four elements:
The Earth Physics
Fire Spirituality
Water and Emotions
Mind The Air

Their separation is only theoretical, in reality none of these elements cannot survive without the other.
Unfortunately, these elements are rarely balanced. We prefer to see a 2 element to the detriment of others. And as Nature abhors a vacuum, it compensates by 'inflating' those who remain. Therefore, in our Western culture, we focus especially the element Air, Mind or sometimes the body ... Earth Fire (spirituality) and Water (Emotions) are often misunderstood and mistreated or outright denied.
On the other hand, we are also in constant interaction with our fellow human beings, and all that is part of Nature. It is also this interaction helps us build, we develop, to become aware of our nature and thus to improve.

The contribution of horses
The horses in this process are indicative of who we really are beyond what we show, what we have built our 'character'.
According to Jung, one day we all go through a process of 'individuation' where the individual after passing through the construction phase of its image, a trip deep inside to her self, for some it happens or when after a traumatic event to see strong, for others it is a general shift taking place towards the 'middle age'.
As the horses have the talent to reveal to ourselves, they are perfect to help us understand and accept this change.
The support and experience 'here and now' with horses allowed to live live a corrective emotional experience. In an environment safe and secure, the person may experience the intimacy and correct their own beliefs.
Everything happens in a relationship where the horses can help healing through their presence at the moment. Horses do not reject the person. They do not judge our character defects, nor our past sins, they directly affect the depth of our being.
The support facilitated by the horses can begin a healing process without a diagnosis or label.
It's a deep healing, rich and complex, and an opportunity to learn new patterns of behavior while creating new neural circuits.
Therapists, educators, and all persons in the helping relationship can also use this approach with horses to highlight and accelerate the realization of certain behavioral patterns of their customers.

The program will be run on 2 x 4 days to 2 1/2 months intervals in order to integrate basis and concepts. We ask anyone interested to contact us at:
Non verbal communication training : you, a horse and the coach Monique Miserez
• The first session will be on 6, 7, 8, 9th of april 2013
• The second session will be on 26, 27, 28 and 29th of june 2013
The exact dates are yet to be determined, they will be displayed on the page clinics

Budget : for the whole training this is 1500 euros (excluding accommodation). Accommodation: cottages on site or nearby (Bazas, Castlejaloux, etc.):
A 500 euros deposit is requested when you validate your participation
The rest, 1 000 euros, is paid in march 2013

Easy payment possible. Just email me and we decide to set a payment method.

Location: 47700 Ponteau Poussignac, in between Bordeaux and Agen in the south west of France

Training provider id from the Rhone Alpes region (where we were formerely based), id : 82 74 02078 747

Equine assisted therapy with Monique Miserez   Equine Facilitated Experiential Learning (EFEL) - Monique Miserez